The BI Ingénierie agency was founded by Michele Bonera and Razvan Ionica, engineers. Michele and Razvan have been working together since 2009, on major infrastructure projects in France and internationally. In 2023, they will pool their references for civil engineering projects to form a new agency responsible for developing complex projects, using innovative materials and techniques, with a controlled impact on the environment. Michele is a civil engineer, but began his studies in aerospace engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan. Razvan is an engineer from the National School of Bridges and Roads, but began his studies in electronic engineering at the Polytechnic of Bucharest.

He is currently a doctoral student in architecture with the subject « Bridges – spaces
between structure and architecture ». They thus naturally work within the framework of multidisciplinary teams, a guarantee of project success. Their 17 years of experience in the construction field allow them to takea critical look at practices in the field and to question them. From their
activity as engineers, they are involved in the implementation of changes in points of view through projects and cooperation with various stakeholders in the infrastructure field.

The axes of their work are:
– Complex projects;
– Innovative materials and techniques;
– Controlled impact on the environment.
Signatories in 2019 of the French version of the declaration « ENGINEERS DECLARE CLIMATE
AND BIODIVERSITY EMERGENCY », they are committed to changing the practices
of the profession to better take into account environmental impacts.